Final Thoughts
The ability to capture an experience has never been easy in today's modern age. Compared to the days of paintings, listening to descriptions on the radio, and developing physical film. It's infinitely easier to witness something without actually being there. New media has changed the way we typically interact but this doesn't mean that old media has been abandoned. Media is something that will transcend time in my opinion. This is because though it experiences technological advancements that are seemingly better than the previous iterations, the old ones never seem to die out. People still paint, there has been a rise in podcasts, and polaroid cameras have resurged as a trend. Though you can just pull out your phone and google a painting people still make the decision to frequent museums because it's not the same. New media seems to have placed a middle man in between people and experience. So when you can experience something with your own senses instead of it having to travel through various filters before it reaches us. The fewer filters we experience the more genuine the entire presentation of work can be. Each medium performed as a way to capture how a person was seeing something, let it be mental or physical. With newer styles of media ie AI-generated art, the human aspect is removed altogether. New media has transcended our own imaginations and has decided to explore an infinite one. And I think compared to our art it's going to fail because it's going to be difficult to connect with
With the growth of using media such as the internet for crowdsourcing, the wrong lesson is being taught. Instead of showing us how when we band together, we're able to achieve great things and help people in need, it instead shows that you can get anything on the internet. This is by no means taking away from anyone that participates in crowdsourcing, but instead asking for such kindness to be transferred off the screen. I've seen hundreds of thousands of dollars raised in effort to create a new video game or fund someone's grief. Which is fair. Anyone has the right to do whatever they wish and ask for whatever they'd like. I just wish that the same accessibility was given to those in need that possibly don't have access to the internet. As mentioned before there are our new age has become filled with middlemen. Sometimes beneficial but most of the time it impeeds real action from being taken.