Twitter Short Story
I wanted to tell my story on Twitter. I think it’s a terribly great platform and overall its faults helped my project. A place to say basically whatever you want, but at the same time it’s controlled and refined in such a way that you can’t say what you want. I wanted to push past the boundaries of what Twitter allows. So I made sure that I hit the character limit on each post, in addition to pushing past the limit through Twitter’s inclusion of photos. I also noticed that you can flag your own posts voluntarily as sensitive, which blurs the post itself. I wanted to make sure that my tweets were extremely limited in being seen. This was because I feel like Twitter is a void that everyone screams into. I also feel like anyone that uses it on a constant level is a certain level of insane. And I wanted to display a slow glimpse of crazy on Twitter and used myself as its premise. Where if I documented my life to such a constant extent on Twitter that I was tweeting about my school assignments, I would only see it as a void to shout at. Because no one is going to read my tweets.
(Recommended to click into the slideshow)
I chose to make my final drawing seem like it was torn out of a deranged person's notebook. I imagined myself as a Twitter user in remission of sorts. Still looking for somewhere to place all of their thoughts for nobody to really care about. I wanted to make it look like a hodgepodge of information. Something you could skim over and get limited information. As well as fully reading and still getting limited information. I find Twitter to be an odd Catch-22 where you're able to talk about anything but if you want to be heard you have to adhere to what's trending at that moment in time.