My videos
Found Footage
I knew immediately for this project that I wanted to blend two pieces of black and white film together. I thought that the fact that the films shared the same color spectrum would help my footage blend together smoothly. I soon found that this was not the case. Different cameras, lighting, and framing made each of my attempts look more Frankenstein than ever. In an effort of creating a comprehensible narrative when viewing, I decided to keep the premise simple. Man slips on a banana peel. This would turn out to prove difficult to find a person placing a banana peel, a shot of a foot slipping on it, and the final shot of the resulting tumble. It was IMPOSSIBLE to find any continuity between shots so I eventually gave up and Instead, established the two characters of Milton Arbogast and Charlie Chaplin interacting regardless of continuity.

Metaphor of Self
For my project, I had to define myself with pretty limited access to what I felt made me, me. I decided to play off this feeling in the project itself. With the various borders and sounds going on I found it interesting to decide how I felt about myself in order to create a way to represent that. I was struggling with what to do with the sounds of the video that would effectively communicate that bubbled-in feeling I had. So I figured why not just let whatever came to mind make it into the audio? I recorded I believe 4-5 tracks and layered them on top of each other. The uniformity transforming into chaos encompassed my mental space well.